Sunday, March 12, 2006


It seems that we are more than one or two in this blog. A lot of people made comments and downloaded this lovely music. I want to thank specially Hanszun and The Groovy Fab, which are two examples of what I want to do. And Hanszun, thanks a lot for your present. I hope your readers think the same.

This weekend I have post a lot (because it´s a weekend). During the week I must work, so the new releases will take a bit of time.

Remember that we must continue our sessions series (Pet Sounds, Party, Satanic) and The Beatles are recording Rock n´Roll in Twickenham and Abbey Road, Phil Spector is making stereo mixes of his songs, and perhaps we´ll see a battle of the bands between The Beatles and the Rolling Stones (Pepper in mono vs. Satanic in mono). Who will win?

So be patient and let´s make it!!

(Yeah, we´re making it already)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're in good hands with Hans, Baz & Eddie on your side.

10:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great blog, dewd.

Weird thing, this music blogging - it's similar to forming your own band. You listen to other bands, and you want to do it yourself. Music blogging is the band everyone can be in. Good ones like this (and all the others we have bookmarked) are inspirational as much as anything else.

As to "cheating" musicians or record companies out of money - I treat blogs like "listening opportunities". If there's something I like enough to buy (and if it's available) I buy it. Also, I've spent about forty years supporting the record industry - my house is full of albums and CDs, a lot of which I've only listened to once. So this is where we win.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Puffin Randy said...

Wow this looks like the start of something wonderful! Beach Boys, Stones, Beatles... who could ask for anything more!!

1:59 AM  

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