Saturday, February 20, 2010


At last!! More or less, this is my own SMiLE stereo master, by The Beach Boys. In fact, it´s a work in progress...I´m still editing and looking for spoken and musical interludes, but I think you´ll want to hear the songs. Here we go....

SIDE A - 19:37

Intro - Our Prayer, 20/20 stereo mix - 1:05

Heroes and Villains - Cantina version, my own stereo mix, true to the original - 2:54

Cabin-Essence - 20/20 stereo mix - 3:31

You Were My Sunshine - my own stereo mix, like Harpers Bizarre Lp from 1967 (Van Dyke was there and perhaps he came with that idea!!), an old version first and then the Beach Boys rendition - 2:04

Roll Plymouth Rock - my own stereo mix, a lot of instrumental and vocal editing, backing vocals by the Beach Boys and lead from BWPS (oh, yes, sorry!!) - 3:06

Mrs. O´Leary´s Fire - my own stereo mix, backing vocals from Fall Breaks and Back to Winter and, of course, with fire effects - 1:50

I Wanna Be Around - stereo mix from Project Smile - 1:35

Heroes and Villains Pt. 2 - my own stereo mix, as I said, it blows my mind!! - 3:29

SIDE B - 19:06

Good Vibrations - anonymous stereo mix I found in the net...and it´s the best I´ve ever heard, true to the original - 3:38

Wonderful - Purple Chick stereo mix, with all the backing vocals - 2:00

Vega-Tables - my own stereo mix, a lot of instrumental and vocal editing, with ALL the backing vocals in the fade!! - 3:25

Wind Chimes - an old (but gold) stereo mix, with a little editing, but I´m sorry because I don´t remember where I found it, so I can´t give the credits - 2:28

Chil Is Father Of The Man - my own stereo mix, and I´m very proud of it, backing track and backing vocals in stereo, lead vocals in the verses are the poem reading I found in youtube (why new lyrics when we have the ORIGINAL poem lyrics, by William Wordsworth?) And, anyway, I think it was the original idea, that´s why there are not vintage lyrics by Van Dyke - 2:41

Surf´s Up - my own stereo mix, Brian´s demo with bygone backing vocals, Pt. 1 backing track in stereo, and Pt. 2 Brian´s demo in stereo, dubbing vocals - 3:43

Outro - You´re Welcome, my own stereo mix - 1:08


Spread the word...and LET´S MAKE IT!!!